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Vocable Translation
admirabilis/admirabile, admirabilis M Adjective admirable, wonderful, strange, astonishing, remar…
ascendo, ascendis, ascendere C, ascendcendi, ascendcensum Verb To ascend
ceno, cenas, cenare A, cenavi, cenatum Verb eat
cognosco, cognoscis, cognoscere C, cognovi, cognitum Verb become acquainted with, learn, recognize, (in per…
descendo, descendis, descendere C, descendi, descensum Verb descend, climb/march/come/go/flow/run/hang down, …
epistula, epistulae [f.] A Noun letter
familiaris/familiare, familiaris M Adjective domestic, of family, intimate, [familiaris res =>…
fortis/forte, fortis M Adjective strong, brave, powerful, mighty, vigorous, firm, …
fortuna, fortunae [f.] A Noun luck, fortune, destiny
hilaris/hilare, hilaris M Adjective cheerful, buoyant, happy, jolly
hinc Adverb (1.) from here, from this source/cause, hence, he…
illustris/illustre, illustris M Adjective bright, shining, brilliant, clear, lucid, illustr…
insignis/insigne, insignis M Adjective conspicuous, manifest, eminent, notable, famous, …
liber/libera/liberum, AO Adjective free (man), unimpeded, void of, independent, outs…
libertas, libertatis [f.] C Noun freedom, liberty
litus, litoris [n.] C Noun coast, shore
navis, navis [f.] M Noun boat, ship
neco, necas, necare A, necavi, necatum Verb kill
nobilis, nobilis [m.] M Noun nobles (pl.)
nobilis/nobile, nobilis M Adjective noble, well born, aristocratic, outstanding (in r…
nondum Adverb not yet, Not yet
omnis/omne, omnis M Adjective (1.) each, every (2.) all
Petio, Petis, Petire I, Petivi, Petitum Verb go, attack, ask for
super Preposition above, about, on top, over, upwards, moreover, in…
terribilis/terribile, terribilis M Adjective frightful, terrible
tristis/triste, tristis M Adjective sad, sorrowful, joyless, grim, severe
turpis/turpe, turpis M Adjective ugly, shameful, base, disgraceful
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