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Vocable Translation
absumo, absumis, absumere C, absumpsi, absumptum Verb spend, waste, squander, use up, take up (time), c…
aperio, aperis, aperire I, aperui, apertum Verb open, appear
apertus/aperta/apertum, AO Adjective open, public, free, uncovered, exposed, opened, f…
audeo, audes, audere E, ausi, ausum Verb dare, risk
certo, certas, certare A, certavi, certatum Verb to compete, fight, struggle, argue, compete
contemno, contemnis, contemnere C, contempsi, contemptum Verb despise, scorn
convoco, convocas, convocare A, convocavi, convocatum Verb call, bring together, assemble, convoke, convene,…
custodio, custodis, custodire I, custodivi, custoditum Verb guard, protect, preserve, watch over, keep safe, …
decipio, decipis, decipere M, decepi, deceptum Verb cheat, deceive, mislead, dupe, trap, elude, escap…
deduco, deducis, deducere C, deduxi, deductum Verb lead, draw, pull, bring, stretch down/away/out/of…
dolor, doloris [m.] C Noun pain, grief
edictum, edicti [n.] O Noun proclamation, edict
expeto, expetis, expetere C, expetivi, expetitum Verb ask for, desire, aspire to, demand, happen, fall …
humus, humi [f.] O Noun ground, earth, soil
impedio, impedis, impedire I, impedivi, impeditum Verb impede, hinder, prevent
impedire ne Phrase still in translation
Italia, Italiae [f.] A Noun (1.) Italy (2.) Italy
noctu Adverb (1.) by night, at night (2.) in the night (3.) in…
praeceptum, praecepti [n.] O Noun teaching, lesson, precept, order, command, instru…
prohibeo, prohibes, prohibere E, prohibui, prohibitum Verb keep (back), prevent, hinder, restrain, prohibit
prohibere ne Phrase still in translation
proicio, proicis, proicere M, projeci, projectum Verb throw down, throw out, abandon, throw away
pugna, agri [f.] A Noun fault, crime, vice
repeto, repetis, repetere C, repetivi, repetitum Verb return to, get back, demand back/again, repeat, r…
resisto, resistis, resistere C, restiti, - Verb pause, continue, resist, oppose, reply, withstand…
sepulcrum, sepulcri [n.] O Noun grave, tomb
spes, spei [f.] E Noun hope, expectation, ||Spes, goddess of hope, hope …
tego, tegis, tegere C, texi, tectum Verb cover
uter, utris [m.] M Noun skin, wine/water skin, bag/bottle made of skin/hi…
vivus/viva/vivum, AO Adjective alive, living
voluptas, voluptatis [f.] C Noun pleasure
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