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Vocable Translation
admiratio, admirationis [f.] C Noun wonder, surprise, astonishment, admiration, vener…
cado, cadis, cadere C, cecidi, cadum Verb fall
celeritas, celeritatis [f.] C Noun speed, quickness, rapidity, speed of action, disp…
classis, classis [f.] C Noun class, order, sort, kind
conscendo, conscendis, conscendere C, conscendi, conscensum Verb climb up, ascend, scale, rise to, mount (horse), …
cura esse Phrase still in translation
cursus, cursus [m.] U Noun running, race, course
dedo, dedis, dedere C, dedidi, deditumum Verb extradite, pass (sth.)
dens, dentis [m.] M Noun tooth, tusk, ivory, tooth-like thing, spike
fluctus, fluctus [m.] U Noun wave, disorder, flood, flow, tide, billow, surge,…
fugo, fugas, fugare A, fugavi, fugatum Verb put to flight, rout, chase away, drive into exile
habitus, habitus [m.] U Noun condition, state, garment/dress/"get-up", express…
hiems, hiemis [f.] C Noun winter
incredibilis/incredibile, incredibilis M Adjective incredible, extraordinary
iter, itineris [n.] C Noun journey, route, way, passage
laus, laudis [f.] C Noun praise, glory, fame
litus, litoris [n.] C Noun coast, shore
mihi curae est Phrase still in translation
natura, naturae [f.] A Noun nature
novum, novis [n.] C Noun omen, sign, token
obsido, obsidis, obsidere C, obsedi, obsessum Verb blockade, besiege, invest, beset, take possession…
obvius/obvia/obvium, AO Adjective in the way, easy, hostile, exposed (to)
par, paris [n.] C Noun pair, set of two, conjugal pair, pair of associat…
periculosus/periculosa/periculosum, AO Adjective dangerous, hazardous, perilous, threatening
premo, premis, premere C, pressi, pressum Verb push, beset, oppress
priusquam Conjunction (1.) before, until, sooner than (2.) (3.)
religio, religionis [f.] C Noun supernatural constraint/taboo, obligation, sancti…
respicio, respicis, respicere M, respexi, respectum Verb look back at, gaze at, consider, respect, care fo…
se dedere Phrase still in translation
supplex, supplicis M Adjective suppliant, kneeling, begging
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