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Vocable Translation
appello, appellas, appellare A, appellavi, appellatum Verb call, appeal, supplicate
argentum, argenti [n.] O Noun silver, money, cash, silver-plate, [argentum vivu…
at Conjunction (1.) but, but on the other hand, on the contrary,…
atrox, atrocis M Adjective fierce, savage, bloody, heinous, cruel, severe, t…
aurum, auri [n.] O Noun gold
bestia, bestiae [f.] A Noun beast, animal, creature, wild beast/animal, beast…
captivus/captiva/captivum, AO Adjective prisoner
carmen, carminis [n.] C Noun song, poem
corpus, corporis [n.] C Noun body, corpus
currus, currus [m.] U Noun chariot, light horse vehicle, triumphal chariot, …
decus, decoris [n.] C Noun glory/splendor, honor/distinction, deeds, dignity…
elephantus, elephanti [m.] O Noun elephant
flumen, fluminis [n.] C Noun river, stream, current, tide, flood, onrush, runn…
hic, haec, hoc Demonstrative Pronoun this, that
ignoro, ignoras, ignorare A, ignoravi, ignoratum Verb not know, be unfamiliar with, disregard, ignore, …
imago, imaginis [f.] C Noun likeness, image, appearance, statue, idea, echo, …
libertas, libertatis [f.] C Noun freedom, liberty
lumen, luminis [n.] C Noun light, light, light
nobilis/nobile, nobilis M Adjective noble, well born, aristocratic, outstanding (in r…
non ignorare Phrase well known
porto, portas, portare A, portavi, portatum Verb Carry, bring
praeda, praedae [f.] A Noun booty, loot, spoils, plunder, prey
qui, quae, quod Relative Pronoun who, which, whom, that
sono, sonas, sonare A, sonavi, sonatum Verb make a noise/sound, speak/utter, emit sound, be s…
supero, superas, superare A, superavi, superatum Verb beat, defeat, exceed, overcome, conquer, surpass
terra, terrae [f.] A Noun land, earth
tuba, tubae [f.] A Noun trumpet (straight tube), hydraulic ram pipe
vincio, vincis, vincire I, vinxi, vinctum Verb bind, fetter, restrain
virtus, virtutis [f.] C Noun bravery, fortitude, virtue
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