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Vocable Translation
acer, aceris [n.] C Noun maple tree, wood of the maple tree, maple
bis Adverb twice
brevis/breve, brevis M Adjective (1.) short, brief (2.) short, small, brief (3.) s…
celer/celeris/celere, celeris M Adjective swift, quick, rapid, fast
civis, civis [m.] I Noun citizen, fellow citizen
Clifton Phrase still in translation
communis/commune, communis M Adjective common, general, of the community, for the commun…
consulo, consulis, consulere C, consului, consultum Verb interview, survey, consult
convenio, convenis, convenire I, conveni, conventum Verb (1.) gather, convene, assemble, accost (2.) agree…
corrigo, corrigis, corrigere C, correxi, correctum Verb correct, set right, straighten, improve, edit, re…
crudelis/crudele, crudelis M Adjective cruel, hardhearted, unmerciful, severe, bloodthir…
describo, describis, describere C, descripsi, descriptum Verb describe/draw, mark/trace out, copy/transcribe/wr…
discordia, discordiae [f.] A Noun (1.) misunderstanding, argue, discord, strife (2.…
duo Numeral (1.) two of (2.) two (3.) two of (4.) two (5.) two
duodecim Numeral (1.) twelve (2.) 12, twelve (3.) 12, twelve
fabula, fabulae [f.] A Noun story, tale, play, Story
hic, haec, hoc Demonstrative Pronoun this, that
ingens, ingentis M Adjective not natural, immoderate, huge, vast, enormous, mi…
invitounus Other still in translation
iratus/irata/iratum, AO Adjective furious, angry, mad
iudicium, iudicii [n.] O Noun judgement, decision, opinion, trial
ius, iuris [n.] C Noun right, justice, (legal) bond, law
legatus, legati [m.] O Noun legate, envoy, ambassador, commander, lieutenant
lex, legis [f.] C Noun (1.) law, rule (2.) law, statute, motion, bill, p…
mortalis/mortale, mortalis M Adjective mortal
novem Numeral nine
nuper Adverb newly, lately, recently, not long ago
omnis/omne, omnis M Adjective (1.) each, every (2.) all
opus est Phrase there is need of, we need
pars, partis [f.] I Noun part
pater, patris [m.] C Noun father
perficio, perficis, perficere M, perfeci, perfectum Verb complete, finish, execute, bring about, accomplis…
pons, ponae [f.] A Noun rider, knight, cavalryman
post+Acc. Preposition after, behind, later, afterwards
prudens, prudentis M Adjective aware, skilled, sensible, prudent, farseeing, exp…
qua de causa Adverb because (of)
salus, salutis [f.] C Noun salutation, greeting, safety, salvation, health
septum Numeral seven
sex Numeral six
tabula, tabulae [f.] A Noun writing tablet (wax covered board), records (pl.)…
undecim Numeral Eleven
unus/una/unum, AO Adjective one, single, alone
utilis/utile, utilis M Adjective useful, advantageous
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