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Vocable Translation
adversus/adversa/adversum, AO Adjective opposite, adverse
agito, agitas, agitare A, agitavi, agitatum Verb stir/drive/shake/move about, revolve, live, contr…
animal, animalis [n.] I Noun a living creature, animal
antiquus/antiqua/antiquum, AO Adjective ancient, old-time, antique
caelum, caeli [n.] O Noun heaven, sky
capesso, capessis, capessere C, capessivi, capessitum Verb grasp, take, seize eagerly, undertake, manage, pu…
Clifton Phrase still in translation
comes, comitis [m.] C Noun companion, friend
deleo, deles, delere E, delevi, deletum Verb destroy, wipe out, erase
dolus, doli [m.] O Noun trick, device, deceit, treachery, trickery, cunni…
dux, ducis [m.] C Noun leader, guide, commander, general
expugno, expugnas, expugnare A, expugnavi, expugnatum Verb take by assault, storm, capture, reduce, subdue
fuga, fugae [f.] A Noun escape, flight
ipse, ipsa, ipsum Demonstrative Pronoun him/her/its-self
Italia, Italiae [f.] A Noun (1.) Italy (2.) Italy
mare, maris [n.] I Noun sea, moon plains
margo, margois [f.] M Noun area, region, neighborhood, district, country, di…
moenia, moenium [n.] I (Pl.) Noun (city) walls
moneo, mones, monere E, monui, monitum Verb urge, warn, remind, advice
oppugno, oppugnas, oppugnare A, oppugnavi, oppugnatum Verb fight against, attack, assault, assail
probus/proba/probum, AO Adjective good, honest
summus/summa/summum, AO Adjective highest, furthest
trans+Acc. Preposition over, away from, across, beyond
turris, turris [f.] I Noun tower, high building, palace, citadel, dove tower…
ventus, venti [m.] O Noun wind
vis, - [f.] M Noun force, power, violence, pl. strength
vis, viris [f.] C Noun strength (bodily) (pl.), force, power, might, vio…
vix Adverb hardly, barely, only with difficulty, just now
voluntas, voluntatis [f.] C Noun will, intent, determination, wish, good will
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