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Vocable Translation
adversus/adversa/adversum, AO Adjective opposite, adverse
commodus/commoda/commodum, AO Adjective suitable, convenient, obliging, opportune/timely,…
iniquus/iniqua/iniquum, AO Adjective unjust, unfair, disadvantageous, uneven, unkind, …
interest Other important, interesting, differ, is between
legem tollere Phrase still in translation
libo, libas, libare A, libavi, libatum Verb (1.) pour a libation of, pour a libation on (2.) …
manus ad caelum tollere Phrase still in translation
mea interest Phrase important for me
mea refert Phrase still in translation
modo Adv. Phrase still in translation
obses, obsidis [m.] C Noun hostage, pledge, security
Omnium interest te valere. Phrase still in translation
Omnium refert te valere. Phrase still in translation
princeps, principis [m.] C Noun the first, emperor, chief, chieftain
programmo, programmas, programmare A, programmavi, programmatum Verb program (data processing)
refert Other still in translation
rursus Adv. Phrase still in translation
tollo, tollis, tollere C, sustuli, sublatum Verb raise, lift up, take away, remove, destroy
Venus, Veneris [f.] C Noun Venus, Aphrodite (god of love)
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