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Vocable Translation
carpe diem Phrase seize the day
carpo, carpis, carpere C, carpsi, carptum Verb harvest, pluck, seize
Copiae in castra se receperunt. Phrase still in translation
dictum, dicti [n.] O Noun (1.) words, utterance, remark (2.) one's word, pr…
divus, divi [m.] O Noun god
donum gratum Phrase still in translation
Epicurus Other still in translation
gratus/grata/gratum, AO Adjective grateful, thankful, pleasant
homo gratus Phrase still in translation
Horatius Other still in translation
invidia, invidiae [f.] A Noun envy, jealousy, hatred, discontent
iucundus/iucunda/iucundum, AO Adjective pleasant, delightful, agreeable, pleasing
merx, mercis [f.] M Noun commodity, merchandise (pl.), goods
nec … nec Phrase neither... nor...
occupatus/occupata/occupatum, AO Adjective occupied, busy
pecus, pecoris [n.] C Noun cattle, herd, flock
raro Adv. Phrase still in translation
se recipere Phrase withdraw, retire, retreat, give up
Tibullus Other still in translation
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