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Vocable Translation
arma dedere Phrase still in translation
ater/atra/atrum, AO Adjective black, dark, dark-colored (hair/skin), gloomy/mur…
avis, avis [f.] M Noun bird, sign, omen, portent
captivos dedere Phrase still in translation
columbus, columbi [m.] O Noun male/cock pigeon, (of male persons) (L+S), dove
dedo, dedis, dedere C, dedidi, deditumum Verb extradite, pass (sth.)
flumen, fluminis [n.] C Noun river, stream, current, tide, flood, onrush, runn…
foedus, foederis [n.] C Noun treaty, league, formal agreement (between states)…
hic, haec, hoc Demonstrative Pronoun this, that
Hispania, Hispaniae [f.] A Noun Hispania, Spain
iugum Other still in translation
mando, mandas, mandare A, mandavi, mandatum Verb order, command
mensa, mensae [f.] A Noun table, dining, dish, course
nauta m Phrase still in translation
Oceanus, Oceani [m.] O Noun Ocean
parvi ducere Phrase still in translation
praedico, praedicas, praedicare A, praedicavi, praedicatum Verb proclaim/declare/make known/publish/announce form…
propius Adv. Phrase still in translation
sibi adiungere m. Akk. Phrase still in translation
vastus/vasta/vastum, AO Adjective huge, vast, monstrous
verba adiungere Phrase still in translation
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