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Vocable Translation
audeo, audes, audere E, ausi, ausum Verb dare, risk
Cato hoc dicere solebat. Phrase still in translation
causas fingere Phrase still in translation
celeritas, celeritatis [f.] C Noun speed, quickness, rapidity, speed of action, disp…
creber/crebra/crebrum, AO Adjective thick/crowded/packed/close set, frequent/repeated…
crebro Adv. Phrase still in translation
fingo, fingis, fingere C, finxi, fictum Verb mold, form, shape, create, invent, produce, imagi…
gaudeo, gaudes, gaudere E, -, gavisum Verb delight, be glad, rejoice (Semidep.), rejoice, ta…
in perpetuum Phrase still in translation
merx, mercis [f.] M Noun commodity, merchandise (pl.), goods
perpetuo Adv. Phrase still in translation
perpetuus/perpetua/perpetuum, AO Adjective perpetual, lasting, uninterrupted, continuous
perspicio, perspicis, perspicere M, perspexi, perspectum Verb see through, examine, observe
quomodo Adverb (1.) how, in what way, just as (2.) how, in which…
reperio, reperis, reperire I, repperi, repertum Verb find, discover, learn, get
reverto, revertis, revertere C, reverti, - Verb turn back, go back, return, recur (usually DEP)
statuam fingere Phrase still in translation
viribus Phrase still in translation
vulgo Adv. Phrase still in translation
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