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Vocable Translation
arbor, arboris [f.] C Noun tree
cogo, cogis, cogere C, coegi, coactum Verb force, gather
cognosco, cognoscis, cognoscere C, cognovi, cognitum Verb become acquainted with, learn, recognize, (in per…
decerno, decernis, decernere C, decrevi, decretum Verb decide, settle, decree, decide/settle/determine/r…
Deo gratias Phrase Thanks [be] to God
germanus/germana/germanum, AO Adjective own/full (of brother/sister), genuine, real, actu…
libellus, libelli [m.] O Noun little book
magnus/magna/magnum, AO Adjective big, great
milites cogere Phrase still in translation
nullo cogente Phrase still in translation
numen, numinis [n.] C Noun divine will, divinity, god
plus, pluris [n.] C Noun more (often + gen.)
praesens, praesentis M Adjective present, at hand, existing, prompt, in person, pr…
programmo, programmas, programmare A, programmavi, programmatum Verb program (data processing)
res gestae f Pl. Phrase still in translation
saevus/saeva/saevum, AO Adjective savage, fierce, ferocious, violent, wild, raging,…
Te cognovi. Phrase still in translation
verus/vera/verum, AO Adjective true, real, proper
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