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Vocable Translation
accipio, accipis, accipere M, accepi, acceptum Verb accept, take, receive
amore capi Phrase still in translation
animadverto, animadvertis, animadvertere C, animadverti, animadversum Verb pay attention, focus, notice, observe, estimate, …
at Conjunction (1.) but, but on the other hand, on the contrary,…
calamitas, calamitatis [f.] C Noun loss, damage, harm, misfortune/disaster, military…
consido, considis, considere C, considsedi, considsessum Verb sit down, sit
deduco, deducis, deducere C, deduxi, deductum Verb lead, draw, pull, bring, stretch down/away/out/of…
Europa, Europae [f.] A Noun Europe
gravis/grave, gravis M Adjective heavy, heavily
hic, haec, hoc Demonstrative Pronoun this, that
litus, litoris [n.] C Noun coast, shore
muto, mutas, mutare A, mutavi, mutatum Verb (1.) change, alter (2.) exchange
perterreo, perterres, perterrere E, perterrui, perterritum Verb frighten greatly, terrify
praeclarus/praeclara/praeclarum, AO Adjective very clear, splendid, famous, bright, illustrious…
rapio, rapis, rapere M, rapui, raptum Verb seize, snatch, carry away
tango, tangis, tangere C, tetigi, tactum Verb touch, strike, border on, influence, mention
taurus, tauri [m.] O Noun Taurus, bull
tergum, tergi [n.] O Noun back
Virgo, virgis [f.] C Noun virgin, young woman, girl
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