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Vocable Translation
facilis/facile, facilis M Adjective easy, agreeable
femina, feminae [f.] A Noun woman
forma, formae [f.] A Noun form, shape, beauty
hic, haec, hoc Pronoun these
Hunc militem laudo. Phrase still in translation
Ille vir est servus. Phrase That man is a slave
ille, illa, illud Phrase still in translation
Illud bellum crudele fuit. Phrase still in translation
In hac civitate libenter vivo. Phrase still in translation
Italia, Italiae [f.] A Noun (1.) Italy (2.) Italy
lego, legis, legere C, legi, lectum Verb read, choose, select, to steal, read, choose, rea…
Mars, Martis [m.] M Noun Mars, Roman god of war, warlike spirit, fighting,…
memoria, memoriae [f.] A Noun memory, recollection
memoria tenere Phrase Keep in mind
Miles haec dixit: Phrase still in translation
ne Mars quidem Phrase still in translation
ne … quidem Phrase not even
sino, sinis, sinere C, sivi, situm Verb allow, permit
taberna, tabernae [f.] A Noun tavern, inn, wood hut/cottage, shed/hovel, stall/…
umerus, umeri [m.] O Noun upper arm, shoulder
umquam Adverb ever, at any time, sometime
Vocem illius audio. Phrase still in translation
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