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Vocable Translation
amicis carere Phrase still in translation
auxilio gaudere Phrase still in translation
careo, cares, carere E, carui, cariturusum Verb (1.) be without, be deprived of, want, lack (2.) …
Cerberus, Cerberi [m.] O Noun Cerberus
dolere m. Abl. Phrase still in translation
doloribus laborare Phrase still in translation
ea hora Phrase still in translation
eo anno Phrase still in translation
Eurystheus m Phrase still in translation
gaudere m. Abl. Phrase still in translation
iniuria dolere Phrase to suffer from injustice
labor, laboris [m.] C Noun work, effort
laborare m. Abl. Phrase still in translation
lacrimis prohibere Phrase still in translation
liber, libri [m.] O Noun book, volume, inner bark of a tree, book, book
liber timore Phrase still in translation
Londinium, Londinii [n.] O Noun London
nox, noctis [f.] M Noun night
officium, officii [n.] O Noun duty, service
ostendo, ostendis, ostendere C, ostendi, ostentum Verb exhibit, show, display
paulo post Phrase shortly afterwards, soon after
Pluto, Plutonis [m.] C Noun Pluto, king of underworld
prima luce Phrase at dawn
primus/prima/primum, AO Adjective first, foremost, chief, principal
prohibeo, prohibes, prohibere E, prohibui, prohibitum Verb keep (back), prevent, hinder, restrain, prohibit
servare a m. Abl. Phrase still in translation
tamen Conjunction nevertheless, however, still, despite, yet, notwi…
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