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Vocable Translation
amor, amoris [m.] C Noun Love, Amor (God of Love), love, amorous, enamored…
animus, animi [m.] O Noun sense, mind, bravery, soul, spirit, courage, heart
clamor, clamoris [m.] C Noun shout, outcry/protest, loud shouting (approval/jo…
dum Subj. Phrase still in translation
in animo habere Phrase (to) intend, (to) plan
libero, liberas, liberare A, liberavi, liberatum Verb (1.) to liberate, to free (2.) free, liberate (3.…
libertas, libertatis [f.] C Noun freedom, liberty
mulier, mulieris [f.] C Noun woman
pecunia, pecuniae [f.] A Noun money
quamquam Subj. Phrase still in translation
quia Subj. Phrase still in translation
quod Subj. Phrase still in translation
se Akk. / Abl. Phrase still in translation
si Subj. Phrase still in translation
soror, sororis [f.] C Noun sister, nun
volo, vis, velle IR, volui, - Verb want, wish
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