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Vocable Translation
adduco, adducis, adducere C, adduxi, adductum Verb lead, prompt, induce
amico adesse Phrase still in translation
auxilium, auxilii [n.] O Noun help, aid
bibo, bibis, bibere C, bibi, - Verb drink
consisto, consistis, consistere C, constiti, constitum Verb stop, stand, halt, cease, pause, linger, stop spr…
deduco, deducis, deducere C, deduxi, deductum Verb lead, draw, pull, bring, stretch down/away/out/of…
educo, educis, educere C, eduxi, eductum Verb lead out, draw up, bring up, rear
merx, mercis [f.] M Noun commodity, merchandise (pl.), goods
mortuus/mortua/mortuum, AO Adjective dead
plenus/plena/plenum, AO Adjective full, plump, satisfied
porto, portas, portare A, portavi, portatum Verb Carry, bring
possum, potes, posse IR, potui, - Verb be able, can
vinum, vini [n.] O Noun wine
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