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Vocable Translation
adhuc Adv. Adverb still in translation
Aeolus Other Aeolus
aqua, aquae [f.] A Noun water
cibus, cibi [m.] O Noun Food, Ration
compleo, comples, complere E, complevi, completum Verb fill (up/in), be big enough to fill, occupy space…
copia, copiae [f.] A Noun supply, inventory, stock, troops (pl), abundance
deleo, deles, delere E, delevi, deletum Verb destroy, wipe out, erase
deus, dei [m.] O Noun god, supreme being, statue of god
gratia, gratiae [f.] A Noun thanks
gratiam habere Phrase thank, be thankful, feel gratitude, feel grateful
habeo, habes, habere E, habui, habitum Verb have, hold, possess, consider, think
populus, populi [m.] O Noun population, people, nation, State, public/populac…
profecto Adv. Phrase still in translation
projectus/projecta/projectum, AO Adjective jutting out, projecting, precipitate, abject, gro…
semper Adv. Phrase still in translation
ventus, venti [m.] O Noun wind
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