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Vocable Translation
acies, aciei [f.] E Noun sharpness, sharp edge, point, battle line, sight,…
aetas, aetatis [f.] C Noun (1.) period, time of life, age, season (2.) perio…
domum Adverb still in translation
eicio, eicis, eicere M, ejeci, ejectum Verb cast, throw, fling, drive out/up, extract, expel,…
eiusdem ordinis Phrase still in translation
instituo, instituis, instituere C, institui, institutum Verb build, establish
mortem prospicere Phrase still in translation
nepos, nepotis [m.] C Noun grandson, descendant
neque vero Phrase still in translation
nobilitas, nobilitatis [f.] C Noun nobility, aristocracy
ordo, ordinis [m.] C Noun row, order/rank, succession, series, class, bank …
ordo senatorum Phrase still in translation
parcere hostibus subiectis Phrase still in translation
pater familias Phrase father of the family
potentia, potentiae [f.] A Noun force, power, political power
prospicio, prospicis, prospicere M, prospexi, prospectum Verb foresee, see far off, watch for, provide for, loo…
reliquus/reliqua/reliquum, AO Adjective remaining, left over
saluti patris prospicere Phrase still in translation
subicio, subicis, subicere M, subjeci, subjectum Verb throw under, place under, make subject, expose
terra, terrae [f.] A Noun land, earth
vis, vis [f.] I Noun strength (pl. only), force, power, might, violence
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