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Vocable Translation
auro spoliare Phrase still in translation
conduco, conducis, conducere C, conduxi, conductum Verb be of advantage, be profitable, be expedient, be …
copias conducere Phrase still in translation
domos spoliare Phrase still in translation
gravis/grave, gravis M Adjective heavy, heavily
malus/mala/malum, AO Adjective bad, evil, wicked, ugly, unlucky
milites conducere Phrase still in translation
morbus, morbi [m.] O Noun disease, sickness
neque quisquam Phrase still in translation
paulum Adv. Phrase still in translation
produco, producis, producere C, produxi, productum Verb lead forward, bring out, reveal, induce, promote,…
propono, proponis, proponere C, proposui, propositum Verb display, propose, relate, put or place forward
regina, reginae [f.] A Noun queen
sane Adv. Phrase still in translation
sinister/sinistera/sinisterum, AO Adjective left, improper, adverse, inauspicious
spolio, spolias, spoliare A, spoliavi, spoliatum Verb rob, strip, despoil, plunder, deprive (with abl.)
terra, terrae [f.] A Noun land, earth
vix quisquam Phrase still in translation
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