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Vocable Translation
abduco, abducis, abducere C, abduxi, abductum Verb lead away, carry off, detach, attract away, entic…
aestus, aestus [m.] U Noun agitation, passion, seething, raging, boiling, he…
consumo, consumis, consumere C, consumpsi, consumptum Verb destroy, consume
egredior, egrederis, egredi M, egressus sum (Dep.) Verb go out
fur Noun Thief
modum egredi Phrase still in translation
perfectus/perfecta/perfectum, AO Adjective perfect, complete, excellent
programmo, programmas, programmare A, programmavi, programmatum Verb program (data processing)
prorsus Adv. Phrase still in translation
sedes, sedis [f.] C Noun seat, home, residence, settlement, habitation, ch…
vas, vadis [m.] C Noun one who guarantees court appearance of defendant,…
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