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Vocable Translation
altus/alta/altum, AO Adjective high, deep, shrill, lofty, deep rooted, far-fetch…
compleo, comples, complere E, complevi, completum Verb fill (up/in), be big enough to fill, occupy space…
cum + Indikativ Präs./Perf. Preposition when
deleo, deles, delere E, delevi, deletum Verb destroy, wipe out, erase
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sum, es, esse IR, fui, - Verb be, exist
fleo, fles, flere E, flevi, fletum Verb weep, cry
fuga, fugae [f.] A Noun escape, flight
Italia, Italiae [f.] A Noun (1.) Italy (2.) Italy
lux, lucis [f.] C Noun light
magna voce Phrase loudly
nondum Adverb not yet, Not yet
nox, noctis [f.] M Noun night
possum, potes, posse IR, potui, - Verb be able, can
salus, salutis [f.] C Noun salutation, greeting, safety, salvation, health
tectum, tecti [n.] O Noun roof, ceiling, house, building
timor, timoris [m.] C Noun anxiety, fear
volo, vis, velle IR, volui, - Verb want, wish
vox, vocis [f.] C Noun voice, voice, sound, word, cry
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