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List of all Adverbs

Vocable Translation
abacte Adverb driven away/off/back, forced to resign (office), …
abactie Adverb stolen/rustled (of cattle)
abacīne Adverb of or pertaining to a mosaic (a picture or patter…
abalienate Adverb unfriendly, estranged, dead/mortified (medical, o…
abascante Adverb unenvied?
abbatialiter Adverb of/pertaining to an abbot/abbey, abbey derived
abbreviate Adverb abridged, shortened, cut off, straitened, contrac…
abdicative Adverb negative
abdicātōrie Adverb resigning, rejecting, abdicating
abditive Adverb removed, separated (from)
abdērītāne Adverb of or pertaining to Abdera (an ancient city in Th…
abecedarie Adverb alphabetical, belonging to the alphabet
abellane Adverb filbert/hazel (w/nut), of Abella (town in Campani…
abexcommūnicāte Adverb excommunicated
abhorride Adverb rough, unsightly
abiabeniter Adverb From the Province of Asiria
Abiecte Adverb still in translation
abiegne Adverb made of fir, deal, wooden
abiegnee Adverb made of fir, deal
abiegnie Adverb made of fir, deal
abietarie Adverb of/pertaining to/concerned with timber or fir/deal
abjecte Adverb downcast, dejected, humble, low, common, mean, su…
abjudicative Adverb negative
ablative Adverb ablative (gram.)
abnegative Adverb negative
abnormaliter Adverb abnormal
abnormiter Adverb of/belonging to no school (of philosophy), deviat…
abnutive Adverb negative
abominabiliter Adverb detestable, hateful, abominable, worthy of destru…
abominande Adverb ill-omened, of evil omen, detestable, odious, exe…